November 27th
The body can make decisions and can occasionally burst or explode even without making them. All of a sudden, your stomach erupts on the table where a business meeting is taking place and places itself in the middle of whatever should be happening, or whatever did happen, and that we have to incorporate in our lives. In Diente de oro the bodies are stomachs blowing the plans of cold minds.
Diente de oro is the result of the artistic research Me he puesto a quemar los cuerpos (I have started burning the bodies) by Olga Gutiérrez (Mexico), Temoc Camacho (Mexico) and Raquel Tomàs (Spain) titled
Original idea Olga Gutiérrez, Temoc Camacho, Raquel Tomàs / Stage direction Olga Gutiérrez, Raquel Tomàs / Movement and choreography Olga Gutiérrez / Dramaturgy Raquel Tomàs, Temoc Camacho / Visual research Temoc Camacho / Lights design Daniela López / Executive production Daniela López / Joint production with Encuentro Internacional de Arte Escénico Contemporáneo EINCE, Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí (CEARTSLP) and Festival Transversales / Programa PICE de movilidad (AC/E), El Graner/ Programa Artistas en Residencia (PAR), Festival Internacional de Danza Contemporánea de Uruguay (FIDCU).
Dialogue with Latin America
Network creation
November 27th
El Graner
Running time: 60'