Novembre is a playing field where three dancers try to build a common space before the bad weather arrives. Novembre talks about group and collaboration, about individual and shared space, about the sense of belonging and the imagination, about the animal in the body, about joining forces and about being together.
Roser López Espinosa has danced with Àngels Margarit, Cesc Gelabert, Iago Pericot and Pere Faura. Such prizes as the Masdanza and the Madrid Certamen have internationally acknowledged the value of her creative work. She is a member of Aerowaves. She has created Hand to hand for the Dutch company Conny Janssen Danst and Dansateliers. Her piece Lowland, premiered at Mercat de les Flors, is still on international tour and was praised at Les Hivernales / Avignon Off 2015.
Concept and direction Roser López Espinosa / Creation Sol Vázquez Nicoloff, Diego Sinniger de Salas, Roser López Espinosa / Dancing Diego Sinniger de Salas, Roser López Espinosa, Inès Massoni / Original soundtrack Ilia Mayer / Light dsign Katinka Marac / Assistance Raquel Klein, Laura Alcalá / Costume design Lluna Albert / Artistic advising Kristin de Groot / Production and management Dansateliers, Laura Pache, Marine Budin – Elclimamola / Joint production Dansateliers (Rotterdam) and festival SÂLMON< (Barcelona) / With support from Graner and Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera (Barcelona) / Created at Dansateliers (Rotterdam); Graner, La Caldera Les Corts and Area (Bcn); L’Estruch (Sabadell) and Centre Cultural Ca Ses Monges (cia Mariantònia Oliver, Mallorca) / With support from Programa IBERESCENA, Departament de Cultura-Generalitat de Catalunya and INAEM–Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Acknowledgements Joan Català, Alexis Eupierre, Roser Tutusaus, Alba Barral, Lautaro Reyes, Eulàlia Berguedà, Panagiota Mavridou, Varium, Andrea Quintana
Project awarded with an Iberescena grant
Residency Graner
November 28th and 29th
28/11 at 9:30pm, 29/11 at 8:30pm
Sala MAC - Mercat de les Flors
Running time: 50'