La máquina de la soledad (The loneliness machine) is a tribute to postal mail and letters as objects. This machine is an amplification of an instant created with precarious, diminutive, invisible technology, activated each time there is ink in the hands, in front of a sheet of paper, with a distance and an absence. Its engines are memories contained in each recovered letter, with stories of life in Mexico and Spain, featuring the archaeology of unusual objects, images and stories taken from writers, retired postmen, post office workers and files.
An intimate journey for 46 spectators.
First project generated by the partnership between Shaday Larios, from the Mexican company Microscopía Teatro, and Jomi Oligor, from the Spanish company Hnos. Oligor. Before this meeting they both already felt a special attraction for objects, memory, micro landscapes, mechanisms and fragility. They had kept track of each other’s works from a distance while holding correspondence for many years, until, in spring 2012, while Jomi was touring with Las tribulaciones de Virginia in Brazil, Shaday was invited to travel there to write about Hnos. Oligor at a festival. After this brief meeting their letter-writing relationship became more intense and La máquina de la soledad began to take shape. Jomi travelled to Mexico and this was followed by the discovery of a suitcase containing 600 love letters dating from the 19th century, which became the driving force behind the project. They worked together on the development of the show until its premiere in San Luis Potosí in August 2014.
Creation, production and performance Shaday Larios, Jomi Oligor
Co-production Microscopía & Oligor, Centre d’Arts Escèniques de Terrassa, Iberescena
With the collaboration of La Máquina de Teatro
Acknowledgements to the writers Edit, Elvira and Lourdes, to Manuel and Elisa, to Javier and his mother, to David and Anita, to Ivan Puig, to Marcela Armas, to David Continente, to Catalina Juárez, to Dalia Huerta and to Bindu, to Xavi Bobés, to Jordi Fondevila, to Jordá Ferré, to Iazua Larios, to Rober, to the Calandria, to Claudio and Charo, to Lirio and Martí, to Anselmo and María, to CaboSanRoque, to the Rinoceronte Enamorado company, and to all the anonymous people who have somehow ended up in the drawers and small boxes in the loneliness machine.
Season: 2015-2016
January 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10
2 sessions18h and 20:30h 2 and 3 January; 8 january 21:30h; 9 and10 January: 19:30 h:30h
Sala PB
15 €