In Bach, an exploration of The Well-Tempered Clavier by J. S. Bach, María Muñoz works on the transmission and re-interpretation of a solo that she has danced all over the world since its creation in 2004, together with the Italian performer and creator Federica Porello.
Creation and direction María Muñoz
Performance Federica Porello
Support for direcction Leo Castro
Artistic collaboration Cristina Cervià
Video Núria Font
Light August Viladomat
Production Mal Pelo
With the collaboration Teatro Real de Madrid, Teatre Lliure
Season: 2015-2016
20 and 21 February
Saturday 18:30h / Sunday 18h
Sala PB
18 €
Running time: 60' aprox
‘About MAL PELO’, by Ester Vendrell at blog
Cròniques de seguiment dels espectacles de MAL PELO a