L’après-midi d’un foehn is a boundless game of imagination in which the company Non Nova uses simple plastic bags of every imaginable colour to recreate a dream world, defying gravity. A unique show in which its author works with the idea of human beings as creators and as destroyers.
Phia Ménard founded the company in 1998 with the idea of taking a new approach to juggling, using the scenic and dramaturgical structure of each piece. “Non nova, sed nove” (Not new things, but in a new way) is the founding principle of the company. Her many multidisciplinary projects have brought together artists, technicians and thinkers with diverse experience and perspectives who form a professional team with Phia Ménard as the artistic director.
Artistic director Phia MENARD
Assisted by Jean-Luc BEAUJAULT
Performed Jean-Louis OUVRARD
Sound track composition Ivan ROUSSEL, using Claude Debussy’s « Afternoon of a Faun»
Stage manager Olivier GICQUIAUD
Sound master Olivier GICQUIAUD
Puppets: design Phia MENARD –‐ manufacture Claire RIGAUD
Co-direction, administration, booking: Claire MASSONNET
Production assistant Clarisse MEROT
Public relations Adrien POULARD
Non Nova is subsidised by the French Ministry of Culture and Communication – DRAC des Pays de la Loire, Nantes City Council, the Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire, the Conseil Départemental de Loire-Atlantique, the Institut Français (France’s international cultural relations body) and the BNP Paribas Foundation.
The company is based in Nantes.
The company Non Nova / Phia Ménard is currently associated artist at l’Espace Malraux Scène Nationale in Chambery from 2014 until 2018.
The company Non Nova is currently associated artist at the « Théâtre Nouvelle Génération – Centre Dramatique National » in Lyon and « companion-artist » at the Caen National Choreographic Centre in Normandy from 2016 until 2018.
Recommended for over 5 year olds
Season: 2016-2017
28 and 29 January
Saturday 11 am, 12:30 pm and 5 pm / Sunday 11 am and 12:30 pm
Sala Pina Bausch
€8 children / €12 adults
Show reviews ‘L’après-midi d’un foehn’
‘Dejemos hablar al viento’, by Víctor Molina at blog (adults version)
‘Dejemos hablar al viento’, by Víctor Molina al blog (kids version)