Are there spaces where we cannot go? Places that we do not have the right to explore? And if we penetrate them, what would we do with that, what would we become? Quartiers libres explores and reveals those peculiar spaces where we are pushed to remain in, those forbidden places in which we choose to wander : spaces made up of free expression, submission, and revelations. An endless and violent struggle begins, in the name of freedom of speech and performance, where giving up is not an option.
Nadia Beugré begins to perform in the Dante Theater, exploring traditional dances from Ivory Coast. In 1997 she takes part in the creation of the dance company Tché Tché with Béatrice Kombé. Winner of several prizes, the company is invited to perform and give master classes in several countries. In parallel, she creates her first solo, Un espace vide : Moi, performed in England, France, Burkina Faso, Tunisia and the United States. She graduates the “choreographic tools” formation (Ecole des Sables with Germaine Acogny, Sénégal) and then enters Mathilde Monnier’s formation for emerging choreographers : Ex.e.r.ce “Dance and Image” in 2009. This work and other subsequent works have made her spin internationally and receive various awards. Nadia Beugré collaborated or collaborates as a performer on works by Seydou Boro (Burkina Faso), Alain Buffard (France), Dorothée Munyaneza (France/Rwanda) and Boris Charmatz (France). She’s an associated artist with Kunstencentrum Vooruit in Ghent (2017 – 2021).
Choreography, performance, plastic creation Nadia Beugré / Dramaturgy, sound creation and operation Boris Hennion / Costumes Nadia Beugré and Boris Hennion / Lights technician & stage manager Anthony Merlaud or Christophe Fougou / Sound Landscape « alarms » Mathieu Grenier / Executive production Latitudes Prod (Lille) / Special thanks Choreographic National Center in Montpellier (France), Agora-Montpellier Danse, Choreographic Development Center in Toulouse (France)
Season: 2019-2020
December 13
20 h
Sala MAC
16 €
Running time: 50 minutes