November 17
THE LINE OF THOUGHT aims to involve the public in the vision of a language that comes from the contact we establish with our surroundings, through a geometry that poses a challenge to those who contemplate it: are we only looking at a trace of the present or of the trace that unites the bodies that shared a space? The performance, co-directed by Jaime Refoyo and scenographer Óscar de Paz and with music by Miguel Marín, offers a space for reflection where the observer becomes the observed when what she sees on stage is the reflection of her body through a common trace.
Jaime Refoyo investigates the evidence of a geometric language that leaves the imprinted trace of the body on the ground when it relates to other bodies through its natural movement. A study that Jaime has called ‘Geography of Thought’ and which also gives its name to a project that consists of three actions during the month of November around the body, the image and the word. These actions will take place at the Mercat de les Flors, the Filmoteca de Catalunya and the CCCB respectively. The aim of the project is to create a dialogue between the different practices of the cultural institution and the different communities that make up the social fabric of the city.
Creation and direction Jaime Refoyo, Óscar de Paz / Geographer of ThoughtJaime Refoyo / Sound space Miguel Marín / Stage space Óscar de Paz / Photography and video Óscar de Paz, Toni Garreta, Jaime Refoyo / Technician Gerard TubauCoproduction Jaime Refoyo, Óscar de Paz / With the collaboration in residence L’Estruch de Sabadell; Centre Cívic Can Felipa de Barcelona; Can Xalant, Centre de Creació i pensament de Mataró)
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Season: 2022-2023
November 17
8 pm
Sala MAC
16 €
Running time: 55'