Recommended ages: 5 and up
What can we do with the air we breathe or the water we drink? What happens inside bodies or objects? How much air can you blow into a balloon before it bursts? What happens when you release a balloon that is aimed at something or someone? Can you breathe air through water? How can you make waves inside a balloon? And how can you create a storm? In INCORPORAR (accompanied solo #1), the movement arises from the observation of different states of matter and of the two fluids that are necessary for life, air and water. Through the dancer’s actions, INCORPORAR | KIDs uncovers a poetic, entertaining journey full of suspense that leads to total freedom of action.
At the end of the performance, INCORPORAR KIDs proposes a meeting with the children to answer all the questions that the piece generates, the mysteries and content of certain actions, the place that the word occupies in the dance and the practical explanation of certain laws of physics
in relation to movement and elements.
Olga de Soto is a choreographer, dancer and dance researcher who currently lives in Brussels. She began her work in 1992, focusing on choreographic research and writing, creating numerous works in different formats. In the early 2000s, she began a series of creative projects closely tied to lengthy research and documentation processes outside of the classic logics of production systems. Her work has been performed in a score of countries. Olga is invited on a regular basis to participate in the academic framework, sharing her corporal and documentary research methodology in universities in Europe, Latin America and the United States.
Show created with Sylvain Prunenec, Pierre Gufflet, Geni Diez, Line De Munnynck, Anne Mortiaux y Olga de Soto / Concept and choreography Olga de Soto / Performers Sylvain Prunenec, accompanied by Olga de Soto / Clepsydras Anne Mortiaux / Illumination Geni Diez, based on Gilles Gentner’s original creation / Sound spatialization Pierre Gufflet / Costume design Thibault Vancraenenbroeck
Production Niels Production (Brussel·les) / Coproduction INCORPORAR Centre Pompidou – Les Spectacles Vivants (París) / With the support Nadine (Brussels); Centre Chorégraphique National de Franche-Comté (Belfort) / INCORPORAR | KIDs premiered in February 2019 at Charleroi danse, La Raffinerie, in Brussels, as part of the Brussels Dance festival!
INCORPORAR | KIDs is the adaptation for children’s audiences of INCORPORAR, the first accompanied solo of the series of accompanied solos of INCORPORAR lo que queda aquí adentro en mi corazón, reactivated within the framework of this Constellation
Season: 2022-2023
February 11 and 12
Sala PB
12 €
Running time: 35' (+30' dialogue with children)
Olga de Soto website
‘Sobre Olga de Soto, por Myriam Blœdé, Valérie Da Costa & Pascale Viscardy’. On blogsite