14th, 15th and 16th of October
the workshop deals with the difference between the auxiliary constructions one uses to create an artwork and the piece of art itself. These constructions often differ from the art piece as much as a scaffold from a building. We will approach raw material from the very practical side of “semi spontaneity” (meaning: using what there is and what one knows) in order to construct what is needed. According to the italian designer Enzo Mari the main transfer of knowledge lays within this auxiliary construction rather than in the result itself.
The participants are basically free to choose what to work on and with what means or materials. auxilliary constructions can manifest in many different ways: mind-maps, object-installations, actions, experiments, drawings, montages, collected materials, lists, thoughts, etc.
there are no limits. people can bring their own material (no obligation!).
the outcome can be installative, performative, visual, written, printed, copied or even immaterial. The workshop will be taught in Spanish and English.
Number of participants: 10
Lesson 0 is a space for questioning and reflecting on current artistic education. It focuses on proposals which go beyond standardized common modes of teaching and learning. Lesson 0 constitutes a transversal project, where different formats coexist. One of the goals is to bring together the exhibition format with other spaces, activities or events in order to turn them into research objects and to foster horizontal and collaborative practices among different agents.
Lesson 0 is a Espai 13 program by Colectivo Azotea (Ane Agirre and Juan Canela).Other participants in the project are Secció Irregular-Mercat de les Flors, A*Desk and En Residència-ICUB.
Season: 2013-2014
14th, 15th and 16th of October
from 10h to 14h
Fundació Joan Miró