December, 15th and 16th
This workshop aims to reflect on writing practices in relation to the performing arts from a non-Eurocentric, intercultural and decolonial perspective, as well as to learn the necessary writing tools to develop journalistic work in an ethical and critical way when covering culturally diverse artists and their creation. It is a workshop aimed at an audience with certain specialization in performing arts: cultural journalists, communicators, cultural activists, bloggers, performers, thinkers, choreographers, creators, actors, actresses, journalism students, scriptwriters, academics and other word and/or body professionals. The workshop will be led by Càudia Brufau and Lucía Piedra Galarraga.
Clàudia Brufau is a journalist and cultural communicator specialized in dance. Graduated in Contemporary Dance from the Institut del Teatre and graduated in English Philology from the Universitat de Barcelona. She has also obtained a Master in Theater Studies (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) and one in Cultural Journalism (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). In 2010 she began her career as a critic and journalist for cultural magazines Dance Europe and Tiempo de Danza and reporter in musical programs of Catalan TV . She is currently the communication manager of the European platform Aerowaves and of l’Estruch, Fàbrica de Creació de les Arts Vives, in Sabadell, work that she combines collaborating with Fundación La Caixa, for which she programs filmed dance cycles, and writing for different media such as dance critic such as Springback Magazine, Recomana, Núvol or the Revista Musical Catalana.
Lucia Piedra Galarraga (Havana, Cuba) Researcher, independent curator and teacher at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. Interested in anti-racist and decolonial activism, modes of representation, forms of governance and critical thinking. She has participated as curator of the project ‘Relaciones ortográficas (en tiempos revueltos)’, winner of the Terrassa Comissariat 2013-2014 cycle. She has obtained a Master’s degree in the Independent Studies Program coordinated by MACBA and the Cos i textualitat research group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, academic year 2014-2015. She has participated as a curator in the project “Ne travaillez jamais” winner of the Curatorial Challengue (II) of ADN Platform 2015. She has obtained a Master’s degree in Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2015-2016 academic year. She participated in the project “One year women´s performance 2015-2016” by the artist Raquel Friera as curator and coordinator of activities for the Palau de la Virreina, 2018. Intern at Centro Huarte for the project «FRIZZ, BUTTER y PEINE CALIENTE, An anatomy for ‘the black’ ». TEOR / éTica research and critical text grant for 2018 for the project ÉL QUE NO TIENE DE CONGO TIENE DE KARABALÍ. The construction of “blackness” seen through the work of Susana Delahante Matienzo. She currently coordinates the research group Grupo de Pensamiento, Practicas y Activismos Afro / Negros (GPPAAN) associated with MACBA and the Institut de Pedagogies Afro / Negres (IPA) platform.
Season: 2020-2021
December, 15th and 16th
Tuesday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Wednesday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Sala SG
40 € (the price includes tickets to 3 shows)