July, 5th and 6th
A meeting about contemporary preforming art work in Africa and its diaspora
This atelier offers a meeting with diferent artists in order to get to know and share the practices, thinking and themes surrounding creation on the contemporary performing arts scene today. It is aimed at professionals from the field of dance, dancers, choreographers, journalists, programmers and other interested persons.
The Mercat de les Flors and the Graner have collaborated with the Africa Moment festival in its last four editions. This meeting, in the context of the Grec festival 2021, continues the activities devoted to reflection, dissemination of knowledge and artistic practices that we have hosted and developed together. The goal is to draw attention to artists and projects less in evidence on our circuits and make them accessible to the public.
This atelier also forms part of the lines of work of the EDN European Dancehouse Network project, of which the Mercat de les Flors is a partner, and it is intended to continue to develop the contact and dialogue with African artists that began with the meeting in South Africa in March 2020.
The atelier proposes two in-person body practices, a writing workshop and three online meetings for thinking and reflection around themes that are central to artistic research, the geographical context and socio-political activism.
Monday 5.07.21
10 am – 1 pm: Body practice 1. Qudus Onikeku. FACE TO FACE at The Graner
12-13h Conference by Raw Material with Fatima Bintou Rassoul Sy/ ONLINE
1:30 – 3 pm: Panel 1. ONLINE
Sustainability, visibility, adaptability. Panel presented by Raw Material (Dulcie Abrahams Altass). With Dulcie Abrahams Altass, Bruno Leitão, Gabriel Panaibra, Fatou Cissé, Nadia Beugré, Salim M’ze Hamadi and Roberto Casarotto (Moderated chat by Bàrbara Raubert)
3:30 – 5 pm: Panel 2. ONLINE Gathering, community, animism. Panel presented by Qudus Onikeku with Qudus Onikeku, Aïda Colmenero Dïaz, Nelisiwe Xaba, Christian Etongo, Albert Ibokwe Khoza and Elisabetta Bisaro (Moderated chat by Clàudia Brufau)
Tuesday 06.07.21
10 am – 1 pm: Body practice 2. Nelisiwe Xaba. FACE TO FACE at the Graner
10:30 am – 1 pm: Writing and thinking workshop. ONLINE
1:30 – 3 pm: Panel 3 ONLINE Trauma, memory, recovery, identity. Panel presented by Trixie Munyama. Trixie Munyama with Ana Pi, António Tavares, Moya Michael and Nashilongweshipwe Mushaandja (Moderated chat by Bàrbara Raubert)
In a practical session, choreographers Qudus Onikeku and Nelisiwe Xaba share their particular way of approaching the choreographies and training of the body, the concept and tools of the body that they work with. This practice is aimed at dance and performing arts professionals more focussed on work with the body.
Each panel consists of a brief introduction, a first round of individual contributions, and a second part where a conversation is opened up with the key speakers. During this dialogue, the panel participants can upload questions to the chat, and these will be logged by the moderator and put on the table for discussion. Each panel is expected to last about 90 minutes.
Body practice – max. 20 people
Conference +Panels – max. 50 people
REGISTRATION until July 2nd:
Use the form available HERE
REPLIES from July 1
Body practices + panels: €20
The 3 panels + Conference: €10
*** Cover photo: Training program, creation, reflection, body. Africa Moment, Graner 2020