With a flexible format that relates the students to the work, each Young Grade is defined according to the scenic proposal. This season we present: La Consagració de la Primavera, where students and teachers will experiment with their body the free version of the director Roger Bernat on the original piece of Pina Bausch; and two pieces where you can enjoy the language of dance with Set of Sets of the company GN | MC Guy Nader and Maria Campos, and with Novembre of the choreographer Roser López Espinosa.
Season: 2019-2020
GN | MC | GUY NADER | MARIA CAMPOS presents Set of Sets 2019-20 (funcions escolars). 24 d'octubre
ROGER BERNAT presents La consagració de la primavera (funcions escolars). 26, 27 i 28 de febrer
ROSER LÓPEZ ESPINOSA presents Novembre (funcions escolars). 5 de març