December from 15 to 19
AFRICA MOMENT’20 edition will be celebrated from December 3 to 20 in Barcelona, offering a triangular program that will consist of the digital section ‘MOMENT: ON’, which will take off on December 3, of a training program for professionals and the IV International Meeting that will take place from December 10 to 20, with a previous period of artistic residencies at Graner from November 30.
Africa Moment aims to generate spaces for creation and reflection through the body to contribute to the positioning of African performing arts and its diaspora within the national and international scene. In this edition, the focus will be placed on South African creation from a gender perspective, with an artistic program that challenges the conventional and aims to challenge the public to get involved in the creation processes and awaken their own critical thinking.This event is promoted by the Asociación Africa Moment, created by Angel Fulla, a Cameroonian dedicated to eco-architecture through his African Angara project. The Africa Moment international meeting is directed by the choreographer and actress Aïda Colmenero Dïaz, specialized in performing arts from the African continent.
Season: 2020-2021
AFRICA MOMENT. Writing and Thinking Workshop: Performing Arts and Decolonial Writing. December, 15th and 16th
ANTONIO TAVARES + ELISABETE FERNANDES & ROSY TIMAS/RAIZ DI POLON presents AFRICA MOMENT – A day in Cabo Verde: Kmêdeus + Duas sem três. Desember 16
MAMELA NYAMZA presents AFRICA MOMENT: Black Privilege. Desember 17
ROBYN ORLIN AND ALBERT KHOZA presents AFRICA MOMENT: And so you see… our honorable blue sky and ever enduring sun… can only be consumed slice by slice…. December 18 & 19
ROBYN ORLIN presents AFRICA MOMENT: One hour with Robyn Orlin. Decembre 19th