The Mercat de les Flors wished to bring together in a single constellation the research of Mal Pelo on Johann Sebastian Bach and his relationship with dance and the stage.
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: Highlands. May 6th to 9th
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: Joel Bardolet and Jaume Guri violin concert. May 8
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: On Goldberg Variations / Variations. May 13th & 14th
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: Johann Sebastian Bach Concert / Dan Tepfer: Inventions / Reinventions. May 14th
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: Bach, performed by María Muñoz (dancer) and Dan Tepfer (pianist). May 15
MAL PELO presents BACH PROJECT CONSTELLATION: BACH danced by Federica Porello. May 16