From 17 to 25 November
From 17 to 25 November
The Mercat is part of the network of theatres and other venues hosting the festival El més petit de tots (The youngest of all). On this eighth occasion, the festival will be held not only in Sabadell, the city where the project was launched and promoted by the Sala Miguel Hernández, and the Aurora Theatre in Igualada, which participated the last two times, but also at the Mercat de les Flors, the CAER in Reus, the Teatre Principal in Olot and the Teatre Municipal de l’Escorxador in Lleida. This expansion optimises resources and extends the festival to a much larger part of Catalonia.
El més petit de tots is the only festival in Catalonia aimed at promoting the performance arts among children aged 0 to 5 years old.
Supported by: ICEC Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals; Departament de Benestar Social i Família; Obra Social La Caixa; Ministeri de Cultura INAEM; Diputació de Barcelona
Price €8. Price bracket E
COMPAGNIE ÉTANTDONNÉ presents ZigZag. 17 and 18 November
ROBERTO G. ALONSO COMPANY presents Almazuela (Sota els llençols – Under the sheets). 18 November
EL CANAL – CENTRE D’ARTS ESCÈNIQUES SALT / GIRONA presents Concert per a Nadons. 24 and 25 November
DANCE THEATRE AURACO presents Me-Me. 25 November
DA.TE DANZA (Andalucía) presents Workshop-Show Da.Te Danza. 25 November