24 November to 04 December
Check the KIT SALMON: tickets for 6€ from 5 shows
Click here to see the SALMON FESTIVAL website with the complete schedule
SÂLMON< is an opportunity to contemplate the scene that emerges when artists offer their work to the world. This is the present. It is not a question of producing discourses, legitimizing styles or affirming ideologies: we are aware that the present is not found in what we already know. So this time round,
SÂLMON< aims to be a space for listening. Of course it is also a performing arts festival, but above all it is an opportunity, a radical invitation to meet up today with other people, with the artists and their work. A festival is a kind of vortex where imagination, desires, ideas and experiences converge. All this inevitably creates an ephemeral but extraordinarily rich ecosystem; or what amounts to the same thing, a great opportunity to beat time at its own game. You only have to be brave, go there and listen: this is the present and these are its fascinating repercussions.
ROBBIE SYNGE presents SÂLMON<: Douglas. Thursday 24th November
AMALIA FERNANDEZ presents SÂLMON<: En Construcción 2. Thursday 24th November
MARIONA NAUDIN presents SÂLMON<: Kopfkino. Saturday 26th November
CRISTIAN DUARTE presents SÂLMON<: The hot one hundred choreographers. 26th November
SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO presents SÂLMON<: Anarchy. Sunday 27 November
AIMAR PÉREZ GALÍ presents SÂLMON<: The Touching Community. Sunday 27th November
Marcela Levi and Lucía Russo presents SÂLMON<. Mordedores. December 1th & 2th
MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ presents SÂLMON<: R.E.M.. Thursday 1st December
ACME / ALBERT QUESADA presents SÂLMON<. UnDosTresUnDos. December 2th
LOSCORDEROS.SC presents SÂLMON<. Afasians – The last conference. December 3th
LANDER PATRICK presents SÂLMON<: Cascas d’OvO. Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 December
JORGE DUTOR AND GUILLEM MONT DE PALOL presents SÂLMON<: Grand Applause. Sunday 4th December