October 16-20 & November 20
Centre and driving force for the movement arts in Catalonia, Mercat de les Flors will participate in the commemoration of the Tercentenary of the events of 1714 from a contemporary perspective. The choreographic representation of 21st century Austria lies at the core of a creative program that draws parallels between two peoples, the Austrians and the Catalans, who in 1700 shared the same worldview.
The Austrian Connection explores the concerns and motivations of contemporary Austrian artists and the possible influence they have had on Catalan choreographers. In order to enrich the research, the Mercat counts on the cooperation of the Vienna Tanzquartier, a dance house distinguished by its multidisciplinary and experimental character, which has led it to relate the movement arts to the visual arts and the world of performance.
Further information about Tricentenari:
This event is made possible by INTPA – International Network for Dance and Performance Austria of Tanzquartier Wien from funds by BMUKK und BMeiA:
Season: 2013-2014
STUDIO 5 presents scaffold and building / scaffolding – what? (within the program Lesson 0). 14th, 15th and 16th of October
ALIX EYNAUDI & ANDREA MAURER / THOMAS BRANDSTÄTTER // STUDIO 5 presents Session 1 IRREGULAR SECTION: ‘Monique’ / ‘Performance for a seated audience’. October 16 & 17
ALIX EYNAUDI presents Workshop ‘Poetry, dance, positive simplification and other actions’. October 18, 19 & 20
THE LOOSE COLLECTIVE presents SÂLMON< The Old Testament according to The Loose Collective. October 19 & 20
MANUEL SEGADE / AMANDA PIÑA, MAGDALENA CHOWANIEC & DANIEL ZIMMERMAN presents Session 2 IRREGULAR SECTION: ‘A talk with Manuel Segade’ / ‘New Viennese Organic-Actionism’. November 20