Beyond the name. For the most curious
Season: 2022-2023
MACARENA RECUERDA SHEPHARD presents Festival IF Barcelona with Mercat: The Watching Machine. November 5 & 6
JAIME REFOYO AND ÓSCAR DE PAZ presents Festival IF Barcelona with Mercat: THE LINE OF THOUGHT. November 17
SILVIA GRIBAUDI presents Monjour. From December 27 to 30
CIE. PHILIPPE SAIRE presents Hocus Pocus. 21-22 January
CIE. PHILIPPE SAIRE presents Party Room. January 26 and 27
METTE INGVARTSEN presents Constellation Mette Ingvarsten: to come (extended). 2-3 February
OLGA DE SOTO presents Mirage – Displacement. February 10
CUQUI JEREZ presents Las Ultracosas. February 18 and 19
CUQUI JEREZ presents Mágica y Elástica. February 25 and 26
DANCE ON ENSEMBLE presents Constellation LUCINDA CHILDS: Works in silence. March 3 & 4
TAIAT DANSA presents TRES del Ballet Triàdic. 17-19 March
GISÈLE VIENNE presents Crowd. March 17 to 19
ARRANGEMENT PROVISOIRE - JORDI GALÍ presents Ànima. March 18 & 19