Two men, played by Brigitte Seth and Roser Montlló Guberna, transform on stage and become women, and from these metamorphoses arise multiple variations from which hybrid beings are born. The piece raises the issue of gender, but also that of identity, or rather the multiple identities that make up each individual. I’m not just a woman or a man, black or white, young or old, guilty or victim … I’m not what I seem either. À vue is a cry to say enough about the labels placed on us that define us without having fully experienced them.
Since Roser Montlló and Brigitte Seth formed the Toujours aprés minuit company in 1997, they have created numerous shows; their identity lies in the ease with which they express themselves through dance, theatre, singing… and in three different languages, French, Catalan and Spanish, always with plenty of dark humour. They define themselves as playwrights, directors, choreographers, writers and performers.
Direction and choreography Roser Montlló Guberna and Brigitte Seth / Text Jean-Luc A. d’Asciano / Assistant director Jessica Fouché / Set design Emmanuelle Bischoff
Co-production Cie. Toujours après minuit, CCN de Tours (directed by Thomas Lebrun), Les Subs Lyon, Théâtre Gérard Philipe de Champigny / Creative residency Usine Hollander-Cie la Rumeur Choisy-le-Roi / Creative support ADAMI
Season: 2022-2023
15-16 October
19 h
Sala OM
16 €
Running time: 70 minutes