A dance show for young children that focuses on the joy of living. The joy of discovering their own bodies and movements. The joy of music. The joy of a shift in the light. The joy of being together.
AabenDans is a Danish dance company that creates shows for both adults and young audiences – from babies to teenagers in the latter case. Their work links up the body and movement with other art forms such as the sound and visual arts and the art of objects. Humour, nuttiness, seriousness and meticulous attention paid to the aesthetics make up the ingredients they use to captivate their audiences.
Idea Catherine Poher, Thomas Eisenhardt
Choreography Thomas Eisenhardt
Direction Catherine Poher
Dance and choreography Antoinette Helbing, Ole Birger Hansen
Lighting Carina Persson
Scenery & costumes Ulrika van Gelder
Music Fredrik Lundin
Season: 2013-2014
November 16
12pm & 6pm
Sala PB
Running time: 30' followed by 15’ playtime