The Alcoi-born choreographer explores the roots of Valencian popular culture with her personal contemporary interpretation: eight dancers and the music band on stage will takes us to today’s complex rhythm of life, full of lively and accelerated stimuli, to something more organic, more natural and authentic: the mystical essence of the Valencian people.
Coreography and direction Sol Picó / Musical direction Chapi / Performers Lorenza di Calogero, Alba Cerdeiriña, Albert García, Rocío Gisbert, Irene Maestre, Luis Martínez, Rubén Peinado and Alicia Reig, with the Banda Chapicó / Choreography assistant Carlos Fernández / Voice Carles Dènia / Music Jesús Salvador Chapi with Banda de Música Chapicó (David Alonso, Alberto Ballester, Andreu Bayarri, Silvia Cantó, Marta Castiñeira, Adriana Catalá, Martín Chulvi, Aaron Colomer, Rubén de la Rosa, Pablo Fernández, Virginia Gómez, Irune Guna, Pili Lavado, Gloria Luzzy, Jorge Luzzy, Raúl Martí, Víctor Martínez, Paco Medina, Daniel Molina, Carlos Monzó, Vicent Muñoz, Joaquín Navarro, César Parreño, Irene Peris, Carles Ramos, José Luis Rodrigo, Carles Salvador, Jaume Verdés, Juan Vique) / Lighting design Ximo Rojo / Design and stage production Joan Manrique / Costume Joan Miquel Reig / Lighting operator: David Sales / Sound operator: Stephane Carteaux / Road manager: Elena Espejo / Image Assad Kasab / Coordination assistant María José Mora / Distribution Sol Picó, Cia. de Dansa
IVC executive producer Leonardo Santos / IVC performing arts co-direction Roberto García / Thanks to Josep Vicent Frechina, Vicent Baydal, Amàlia Garrigós, Adrià Gisbert, Faust, J. Pau and Tomàs Pau
Production Conselleria d’Educació, Cultura i Esports de la Generalitat Valenciana, Tots a una veu and Institut Valencià de Cultura – Fes Cultura
Season: 2020-2021
March 13 & 14
8pm (sunday 6pm)
Sala MAC
20 €
Running time: 70'
company website
‘El cigne punk es banya a la sèquia’, by Quim Noguero on blogsite
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