May 13th & 14th
Show based on the composition Goldberg Variations / Variations by the French-American pianist and composer Dan Tepfer, who performs the Goldberg Variations by J. S. Bach combined with his improvised variations on the same harmonies.
Directors María Muñoz and Pep Ramis / Directors Assistants Leo Castro and Federica Porello / Creation and performers Jordi Casanovas, María Muñoz and Zuriñe Benavente; Leo Castro, Pep Ramis, Federica Porello, Enric Fàbregas and Zoltan Vakulya / Music Goldberg Variations / Variatons, de Dan Tepfer, sobre les Variacions Goldberg, de J. S. Bach / Poems John Berger and Juan Gelmán / Texts Mal Pelo edition based on proposals of Tim Ingold, Franck Wilczek i Mal Pelo
Production Mal Pelo, Teatre Nacional de Catalunya, Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana de Barcelona and ICEC – Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya / With the collaboration L’animal a l’esquena i Théâtre Archipel de Perpinyà
Estrenat al Teatre Nacional de Catalunya del 28 al 31 de març de 2019
Full data
Lighting August Viladomat / Sound design Fanny Thollot / Clothes Carmepuigdevalliplantés / Design and scenography building Kike Blanco / Lighting operator and technical coordination Irene Ferrer / Sopund operator Andreu Bramón / Stage operator Genís Cordomí / Video production on stage Martí Ramis / Photographic report Tristán Pérez-Martín / Management Gemma Massó / Distribution Mal Pelo
Season: 2020-2021
May 13th & 14th
7 pm
Sala MAC
20 €
Running time: 70 minutes
Read the Constellation’s booklet