Novembre 9 & 10

DAVID YMBERNON EL MÉS PETIT DE TOTS – Latung La La diu que el pes petit és el pes més gran de tots

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For children aged 1 to 5

Childhood is the most valuable part of our lives. The first five years of life lay the foundations of the personality, the foundations on which everything stands. But although the foundations do not attract attention because they are not the most noticeable part, they are the key. In the same way that the soul is invisible but provides the most colour.

Latung La La diu que el pes petit és el pes més gran de tots is a lyrical, paratheatrical stage work with a large dose of visual poetry. A piece that just happens, full stop, with no plot, no stories. “There is an unbroken line in all my work, which starts from the beginning, from childhood”.

David Ymbernon is a versatile artist captivated by the colour orange. His whole world, his life and his work revolve around this colour. Let’s leave him to explain: “I believe and have great faith, I believe in things that are not true, I believe in magic, enthusiasm, instinct, predisposition, luck, surprise, coincidence, I believe in pipedreams, in daydreamers, people who have their heads in the clouds, who build castles in the air. I believe in balloons that break free of their moorings and disappear into the sky, in suggestion, in vagueness. I believe there are certainties not subject to logic, which are the pure truth, as certain as they are uncertain, certainly. I believe in paper planes when they are thrown by children with amazing enthusiasm, accompanied by a spirit that allows them to fly higher and further than anyone can actually see.”

Creation and direction David Ymbernon
With Andriy Antonovskiy, Miquel Àngel Marín, Daida Ymbernon, David Ymbernon
Technician Oriol Ibáñez

Production International Performing Arts Festival El Més Petit de Tots
With the collaboration of the set design workshop Castells i Planas


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Season: 2013-2014

Novembre 9 & 10


Sala PB


Running time: 30 minutes


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