November, 21st
Age recommended: From 18 months to 3 years old
Little Night is an intense audiovisual and interactive experience. A white floor. The children who participate in the show are also dressed in white. It is an explosion of images and stimulating sounds.
This show plays with the night, with fairy-tale figures, with humour; it is a bit absurd and surrealistic. Stars that travel with their handbags, men with umbrellas falling from heaven, colourful spots that impregnate everything, a myriad of cars that try to avoid them…
Suggestive images that stimulate the senses and foster children’s play, that change their shapes and colours when someone touches them, when they are run after…
Direction Jordi Colominas
Script, graphics and animation Carles Porta
Soundtrack and musical composition Josep Mª Baldomà
Technical direction and programming Román Torre
Production Isabel Urpí
Production LaSala Teatre (Sabadell), Imaginart and Unicorn Theatre (London)
Season: 2014-2015
November, 21st
Sala MAC
8€ [Rates per person (both adult and child)]
Running time: 30'