In her second show, Encore, the dancer and choreographer Eugénie Rebetez, aka Gina, again presents audiences with a one-woman-show. Oscillating between clownish laughter and the stark reality of a foundering diva, her brilliant sublimation of the genre translates into generous sensualism, powerful movement and a serious, even pathetic image of the human condition.
Encore, as in the curtain call at the end of a show, continues along the same lines as her first show Gina (2010), which was immediately and enthusiastically acclaimed by both the wide public and professionals. In Encore, once again the limelight falls on a paradoxal body attired in a clinging little black dress and tripping over her own feet along the red carpet of lost hopes. Once again, too, we are treated to a marvelous voice that sings out love and loss. Gina’s trumpet has been replaced by a synthesizer bringing to mind charity galas; her laughter is more raucous than ever, her dancing all that much more breathtaking.
The Swiss dancer and choreographer Eugénie Rebetez studied dance in the arts section of the Belgian high school in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, before joining the ArtEZ Institute of the Arts in Arnhem, Holland, obtaining a degree in dance and choreography in 2005. She went on to work with, notably, David Zambrano in Brussels and Amsterdam, and Zimmermann & de Perrot in Zurich. In 2008, she settled in Switzerland. She has since created two solo shows : GINA (2010) and Encore (2013). Eugénie Rebetez lives and works in Zurich.
Choreography, texts and performance Eugénie Rebetez
Music Kitty Daisy & Lewis, Henry Purcell, Eugénie Rebetez, Pascale Schaer, Johann Strauss, Antonio Vivaldi
Dramaturgy Tanya Beyeler
Productionó Verein Eugénie Rebetez
Coproduction Gessnerallee Zürich; Les Théâtres de la Ville de Luxembourg; Maison de la Danse de Lyon; ADC – association pour la danse contemporaine Genève; Schlachthaus Theater Bern; Festival éviDanse
Created in the framework of the European project modul-dance, supported by the EU Culture Programme
Season: 2013-2014
November 2 & 3
Sala PB
Running time: 60'