Sunday, December 19
From 5 pm to 6.30 pm / Sala PB / Free / Registration for both activities
Kapi has been a participant and witness, since 1984, of the origins of Breaking in Barcelona.
At 6 pm / Sala MAC / 8 €: Last Space + Azul Petróleo
Last Space is a journey into the unconscious mind of its performers. Viewers witness how everything breaks down and dissolves through truly unique, energetic yet delicate physicality.
Frantics is a company that arose from Berlin’s underground dance scene. Today, they offer a language of movement which blends the different disciplines of movement together.
Frantics is a Berlin-based contemporary dance company founded in 2013 by Carlos Aller, Marco Di Nardo, Diego De la Rosa and Juan Tirado, who came from the city’s underground street dance scene. Today, they offer a language of movement which blends different disciplines such as b-boying, hip-hop, breakdancing, improvisation techniques and contemporary dance, all set within an imposing theatrical framework. Frantics’ style is a celebration of the human spirit.
Artistic direction, concept and choreography Frantics Dance Company / Performers Carlos Aller, Marco di Nardo, Diego de la Rosa and Juan Tirado / Dramaturgy Frantics Dance Company / International relations Katherina Vasiliadis / Photography Álvaro Rodríguez and George Anastasakis / With the support of Instituto Cervantes (DE / ES), Dance Days Chania (GR), Embassy of Germany in Athens (GR)
The Iron Skulls Co collective presents a 30-minute excerpt from its new creation, which will be premiered in March 2022 as part of the Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana festival.
How much of our individuality are we prepared to give up so we can still belong to a group? Azul Petróleo carries out research through instinct. We’ll be watching a deliberation on how belonging to a group can affect the expression of our individual human nature.
Iron Skulls Co, a Barcelona-based dance collective, has its roots in the b-boy crew known as the Iron Skulls Crew, founded in 2005. Professionally incorporated in 2013, it is made up of dancers from all over Spain and is known for its unique style, which fuses different disciplines and continually seeks to push the boundaries of movement.
Direction Iron Skulls Co / Choreography and performers Luis Muñoz, Diego Garrido, Moisés “Moe”, Héctor Plaza “Buba” / Lighting design Óscar González and Jordi Blasco / Theoretical assistant Carlito Fluito / Music Stefan Hoffmeister / Costumes Ugo Boulard / Photography Óscar Bermejo
Residences Konvent (Berga), Carpa Revolució (Sant Pere de Ribas), La Bàscula (Barcelona), L’Estruch center de creació de Sabadell / With the collaboration of SAT! Theater and Hop Festival / Co-production LAVA | Valladolid Arts Laboratory, Dansa Quinzena Metropolitana 2022, Iron Skulls Co, Teatros del Canal / With the support of the Department of Culture – Generalitat de Catalunya
At 8.30 pm / Lobby
Season: 2021-22
Sunday, December 19
7 pm
Sala MAC
8 €