I’m Not the Only One Part II is a fiction piece that takes, as its starting point, the different reasons why some actors decide to leave their homeland. In the same way as with legends and heroes in fairy tales, actors are also subject to a transformation, each in his own individual way. This is how myth and reality, archetypes and autobiography are mixed together. And we are confronted time and again by the same question: what and where was home anyway? Constanza Macras and her company look at inner and outward journeys and – as in all their pieces – question the consequences of the clash of cultures.
Trained in dance in Amsterdam and New York, the Argentine Constanza Macras moved to Berlin in 1995. After working in various groups, she founded her own company, Tamagotchi Y2K, in 1997, and later, together with the dramaturge Carmen Mehnert, the company Constanza Macras | DorkyPark. The company is made up of dancers, actors and musicians from 4 to 72 years old and combines text, live music, dance and video. Its shows have won Macras the international recognition that places her in the vanguard of stage creation.
Choreography and direction Constanza Macras
Dramaturgy Carmen Mehnert
By and with Emil Bordás, Tonatiuh Diaz, Hyoung-Min Kim, Gail Sharrol Skrela, Yeri Anarika Vargas Sánchez
Musicians Claus Erbskorn, Kristina Lösche-Löwensen, Almut Lustig
Costumes Gilvan Coêlho de Oliveira
Sound design Mark Howett
Sound Stephan Wöhrmann
Video Lisa Böffgen
Support Florent Martin
Director’s assistant Sanja Ristic
Costume designer’s assistant Julia Weis
Extras Anja Sisenop, Margret Schütz
Production DorkyPark | Anna Bergel, Alexa Gräfe, Mark Donner
Tour management DorkyPark | Ricardo Frayha
Production CONSTANZA MACRAS | DorkyPark and Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin
Coproduction Schauspielhaus Vienna, the Theater Chur, the Fondazione Musica per Roma i Le DuoDijon
Supported by the Funds of the Cultural Capital – Berlin City Council – Dept. of Cultural Affairs
In Barcelona with the support of the
Season: 2012-2013
6 and 7 October 2012
20:30h (Sunday, 18h)
Sala OM
Price 18,5 – 22 €
Running time: 120'