La música del teu nom (The Music of Your Name) is a tribute to a friend, Joan Saura, who died a few years ago. “I wanted to take advantage of this research and work that I am doing on the loss and absence of loved ones to invite Agustí Fernández, Liba Villavecchia and Nuno Rebelo, all three, friends of Joan, to get together in a session where improvised music and dance take the centre stage and provide the vehicle to reunite us, even for a moment, with the essence of our much-missed Joan”, explains Andrés Corchero.
Andrés Corchero, Catalan National Dance Prize 2003, has long professional experience with Butoh dance, as well as in improvisation, accompanied by musicians such as Joan Saura and Agustí Fernández. He has also created numerous choreographies, many of them with his company Raravis (with Rosa Muñoz) and has worked with many artists.
Musicians Agustí Fernández, Liba Villavecchia i Nuno Rebelo / Dance Andrés Corchero / Technical responsable Llorenç Parra
Season: 2019-2020
19 de gener
18 h
Sala PB
16 €
‘El cos, braille de l’ànima’, by Quim Noguero on blogsite
We speak with Andrés Corchero, on blogsite