The notion of celebration viewed from a solitary, intimate standpoint, from within the self and towards the self, forms the basis of this new show by Aina Alegre.
Conception and choreography Aina Alegre / Interpretation Isabelle Catalan, Cosima Grand, Gwendal Raymond / Original music Romain Mercier / Lighting design Pascal Chassan / Set design James Brandily / Dramaturgy and artistic advice Quim Bigas / Stage and sound manager Guillaume Olmeta / Lighting manager Leslie Horowitz / Production and promotion Claire Nollez / Production assistant Aniol Busquets / International promotion Teresa Acevedo / Acknowledgments Pierre Guilhem Coste, Lucas Frankias, Elsa Dumontel and Loula Musquet for her work on this creation
Production Studio Fictif / Co-production Atelier de Paris CDCN, La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse – Occitanie, La Maison CDCN Uzès Gard Occitanie, L’échangeur CDCN Hauts-de-France, Les Ballets de Loraine CCN, ICI – Centre Chorégraphique National Montpellier – Occitanie directed by Christian Rizzo, within the framework of creation and research program, Centre Chorégraphique National of Rillieux-la-Pape directed by Yuval PICK within the framework of Accueil-Studio device, Sala Hiroshima, Barcelona Dansa, Quinzena Metropolitana 2019, Institut de Cultura – Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Co-production of CDCN’ associació / With the support of Arcadi Île-de-France & SPEDIDAM. Studio Fictif receives the support of DRAC Île-de-France as part of the support for the choreographic project in 2018 and as part of the assistance to the structure in 2019 and 2020 / Thanks to D, Lyon
Mercat de les Flors artist-in-residence supported by: