BARÓ D’EVEL CIRK CIE. is an associated company to Mercat de les Flors
The Baro d’Evel company returns to the Mercat to present its new show Mazùt, prepared in residency at the Mercat and at the L’Animal a l’Esquena centre for creation. It was premiered in July at the Montpellier Dance festival. Blaï Mateu and Camille Decourtye propose a return to the natural essence of human beings and they do so by drawing on animality and instinct, concepts in which the company has immersed itself to produce intimate poetics, one of its hallmarks. The sounds of nature and the human body itself create natural sound universes, such as raindrops, as well as musical compositions. The company has sought to develop an unusual project, with transformation and change, and has switched format, moving from the circus tent to the theatre stage for this piece. The precise meaning of Mazùt in Greek and Russian is ‘change’. This context of this work is a multidisciplinary and cross-frontier arrangement, working with French artists, such as Bonnefrite, and Catalan ones, such as the company Malpelo, and thus strengthening the Franco-Catalan identity of the show.
Baro d’Evel Cirk Cie, founded in 2001 by Camille Decourtye and Blaï Mateu Trias, previously performed its delightful spectacle La Sort du Dédans at the Mercat, a co-production with the Mercat itself. It won great critical and public acclaim and was awarded the National Circus Prize of Catalonia. They have presented their six shows in many countries, in over 550 performances. Thanks to Mazùt we can once again enjoy the natural fusion of acrobatics and intimacy that characterises one of the most unusual companies on the European circus scene.
Baro d’Evel is a Mercat de les Flors associate company.
Creation and performance Camille Decourtye, Blaï Mateu Trias
Collaboration Benoît Bonnemaison-Fitte (“Bonnefrite”, drawing and graphics), Maria Muñoz and Pep Ramis (Malpelo, creative group, work on movement)
Lighting design Adèle Grépinet
Sound design Fanny Thollot
Costume design Céline Sathal
Rhythm and music consultant Marc Miralta
Engineer – raindrops Thomas Pachoud
General management Marc Boudier
Stage management and set construction Laurent Jacquin
Production and diffusion Marie Bataillon, Marie Dubois
Co-production Mercat de les Flors; Pronomade(s) in Haute-Garonne, National Centre For Street Arts; El Canal –Performance Arts Centre in Salt-Girona ; La Verrerie, National Centre For Circus Arts in Languedoc-Roussillon and the Festival Montpellier-Danse 2012 ; Festival La Strada in Graz (Austria)
Production Baró d’Evel Cirk Cie.
Assisted by: L’Animal a l’Esquena (Celrà) and the Scène Nationale in Petit-Quevilly / Mont-Saint-Aignan
With the support of: the French Ministry of Culture and Communication / Drac Midi-Pyrénées, the Midi-Pyrénées Regional Council and the Haute-Garonne General Council
Mercat de les Flors associate company
Co-production Mercat de les Flors
Season: 2012-2013
13 - 16 December
Sala MAC
Price 18,5 – 22 €