Durational performance by Olga de Soto at Fundació Joan Miró
The idea of a displaced image that takes shape in the air is the starting point for Mirage, a performance that takes its inspiration from the optical effect called mirage that is caused by atmospheric refraction, which distorts the rectilinear path followed by the light rays as they pass through layers of air at different temperatures. Starting from the notion of mirage, Olga de Soto explores the possibility of a dual (physical and mental) score to create an object made of corporealities and visible dynamics which explores the movement’s memory supported on a series of images and invisible dynamics, brought together in mind space. Thus, she has conceived a performance that can be taken from the stage environment to the exhibition environment, becoming transformed by virtue of this transposition movement into Mirage – Displacement (Miratge desplaçat).
Concept, choreography and placement in space Olga de Soto / Program Estudio del medio, Estratigrafía, Mirage Conversations, Paper Lane (performance inspired by a Sophie Whettnall’s gesture) / Performance and interpretation Albane Aubry, Edith Christoph, María de Dueñas López, Olga de Soto, Talia De Vries and Sarah Deppe
Production Niels Production, in collaboration with Centrale for Contemporary Art (Bruselas, BE) / Coproduction Mirage Charleroi danse – Centre Chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (Brussels, BE); Pôle Sud – CDCN de Strasbourg (Strasbourg, FR); Le Vivat (Armentières, FR), in collaboration with NEXT festival; ICI— Centre chorégraphique national Montpellier – Occitanie directed by Christian Rizzo / With the support Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Service Général de la Création Artistique — Service de la danse
Season: 2022-2023
February 10
3pm to 6pm
Fundació Joan Miró
Check timetables and prices on the website of the Joan Miró Foundation
Running time: 3 hours
Fundació Miró website
‘Sobre Olga de Soto, por Myriam Blœdé, Valérie Da Costa & Pascale Viscardy’. On blogsite