Dance and video animation show for the youngest based on Joan Miró’s universe that seeks to foster kids’ imagination and curiosity, addressing values such as friendship and acceptance of difference. The company Baal, founded in 2013 by the dancer, performer and creator Catalina Carrasco and the scientist, technologist and performer Gaspar Morey, uses a language that flees conventionalisms.
Artistic direction Catalina Carrasco / Assistence dramaturgy Pau Bachero / Creation and interpretation Astrid Schwegler, Catalina Carrasco, Gaspar Morey / BSO Kiko Barrenengoa / Video animation Adri Bonsai
Coproduction Teatre Principal de Palma i Baal / With the collaboration Successió Miró
Season: 2019-2020
February 29 and March 1
Saturday 18 h, Sunday 12 h
Sala PB
12 € (under 14 years, 8 €)
‘L’esforç de mirar més enllà de les formes’, by Jordi Ribot. On blogsite