July 10-13
Four young companies demonstrate their extraordinary skills in a combined performance that illustrates the excellent health that the circus arts enjoy in Catalonia
Language: Catalan and Spanish
The photovoltaic panel in Parc del Fòrum electrifies the creative world of La Central del Circ, whose premises lie exactly below this futuristic facility. And it must have truly illuminated this “Circus Central”, for a host of artists are emerging from it to renew the Catalan circus arts. If you want proof, come and see Retalls and you can discover them. La Clandestinacombines text and acrobatic skills to test the body’s limits using the Chinese pole; Estropicio demonstrate their hand to hand and double trapeze abilities as they explore the concept of both physical and mental balance; Nacho Flores performs an impossible balancing act on wooden blocks; Psirc present three characters who draw out endless circles. Over the course of 2011 and 2012, all these artists have taken part, at one time or another, in arts residence programmes at La Central del Circ
La Central del Circ is an initiative of the Institute of Culture of Barcelona City Council and is managed by the Association of Circus Professionals of Catalonia (APCC) and supported by the Government of Catalonia
Artistic direction Leandro Mendoza / La Central del Circ
Cast Jorge Albuerne , Jeremías Faganel, Sergio Gonzalez & Mauro Paganini (La Clandestina); Ruth Gascon , Asvin López, Famara Pardo & Oriol Pita (Estropicio); Wanja Kahlert, Adrià Montaña, Anna Pascual (Psirc); & Nacho Flores
Season: 2012-2013
July 10-13
Sala OM
Running time: 80'