A tribe of unusual humans lives in Sapiens Zoo. Inspired by people from the most primitive tribes to modern civilizations, they cross the border between human and animal behaviour. There is a different reality where limitations of the modern society no longer exist. Delicate gestures evolve into wild behaviour in their search of changing old patterns into new ways of living. Eccentric acrobatics, hair hanging, trapeze and handstands, a dancing light technician, a rigger cutting ropes with axes and a vinyl playing DJ mixing modern electronic music with animal sounds, weird noises and thunderstorm.
Perfomers Quim Giron, Ingrid Esperanza, Joana Serra, Benet Jofre, Leire Mesa, DJ Marcelle/Another Nice Mess
Direction Animal Religion/Quim Girón
Assistance to the Direction Lee Wilson, Jorge Dutor
Assistance to the Creation Nefeli Ikonomou
External Looks Alba Serraute
Company assistant Maria Bartrons
Costumes Animal Religion amb l’ajuda de Michel Tange van Leeuwen i Txell Genot
Company production Anna Aro
Executive production Marta Oliveras
Coproducers Mercat de les Flors, Subtopia, Circo, KK Nord, El Graner, La Central del Circ, Cronopis, and the support of Swedish Arts Council (Kulturradet), Swedish Arts Grants Committee (Konstnarsnamnden) and Stockholm City
Full data
Season: 2015-2016
April 23 and 24
20:30 h
Sala OM
15 €
‘Circ d’ara mateix’ by Jordi Jané on blog