Liñán’s childhood is the starting point for this creation, the time when he dressed in his mother’s clothes and shoes to dance secretly in his room. ¡Viva! is a cry for the freedom of transformation understood not as a way of masking oneself but quite the opposite: exposing oneself to essential nakedness. Thus, six men, dressed as bailaores, sing a song to plurality and immerse themselves in the fascinating world of transvestism.
Direction and dance Manuel Liñán / Stage advice Alberto Velasco / Choreographic direction Manuel Liñán / Dance and choreography Manuel Liñán, Manuel Betanzos, Jonatan Miró, Hugo López, Miguel Heredia, Victor Martín and Daniel Ramos / Musical direction Francisco Vinuesa / Music Francisco Vinuesa, Victor Guadiana and Kike Terrón / Musical advice David Carpio and Antonio Campos / Guitar Francisco Vinuesa / Cante David Carpio i Antonio Campos / Violin Victor Guadiana / Percussion Kike Terrón
Production Manuel Liñan / With the collaboration Teatros del Canal
Full data
Lighting design Gloria Montesinos A.a.i. / Lighting operator Álvaro Estrada A.a.i. / Costume design Yaiza Pinillos / Costume production Gabi Besa and José Galván (Batas de colas) / ShoesArte Fyl / Sound design Kike Cabañas / Stage manager Jose Gallego / Characterization and hairdressing Mauro Gastón / Photography marcosGpunto i Sofía Cruz / Press Josi Cortés / Text of the extract Juego y teoría del duende, by Federico García Lorca / Tour manager and production assistant Daniela Rozental / Executive producer and management Ana Carrasco
Season: 2020-2021
From april 30 to may 2
8 pm (sunday 7 pm)
Sala MAC
22 €
Running time: 90 minutes