ZigZag is an exploration of body and movement. Guided by the company, children discover all the different ways of moving, even the most improbable. They also discover that they only move in one space and this sometimes has a few surprises in store. The way of moving through space – or of trying to – is the object of all our attention: charting the route, staying on course, dodging obstacles, stumbling, going backwards…
Show for children aged 2 to 5
Étantdonné is a French dance company, strongly inspired by cinema and the visual arts, which has developed its own language to explore visual communication, gesture and movement. They have been creating pieces for children aged from two upwards since 2000.
Choreography Frédérike Unger, Jérôme Ferron
Performers Betka Májová, Emily Mézières, Nele Suisalu and Claire Rivera taking turns
Video and animation Nicolas Diologent
Lighting Frank Guérard
Set construction Etienne David
Costume makers Jennifer Lebrun
Compagnie Étantdonné
Frédérike Unger and Jérôme Ferron, artistic directors
Rouen (France)
Season: 2012-2013
17 and 18 November
Sala PB
Price 8 €
Running time: 30 minutes