An Itinerary that invites us to make a journey for works that offer us other perspectives and cause a change of look.
une maison
CHRISTIAN RIZZO / ICI -CCN Montpellier presents une maison. October, 3 to 6
Sobre la bellesa (On Beauty)
SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO presents Sobre la bellesa (On Beauty). From November 28 to December 1
SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO presents Contrakant. March, 5 to 8
Para que o Céu não caia (For the Sky not to fall)
LIA RODRIGUES COMPANHIA DE DANÇAS presents Para que o Céu não caia (For the Sky not to fall). March, 26 to 29
LIA RODRIGUES COMPANHIA DE DANÇAS presents Pindorama. April 1 and 2
LIA RODRIGUES COMPANHIA DE DANÇAS presents Fúria. April, 4 and 5
Second Landscape
MARINA MASCARELL presents Second Landscape. April, 23 to 26
Andrei Rublev, una paniconografia
SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO presents Andrei Rublev, una paniconografia. May from 6 to 9
And so you see… our honorable blue sky and ever enduring sun… can only be consumed slice by slice…
ROBYN ORLIN AND ALBERT KHOZA presents And so you see… our honorable blue sky and ever enduring sun… can only be consumed slice by slice…. May, 15 to 17