Recommended ages: 4 to 7
Based on the concept of plankton, microorganisms essential to our planet’s existence, this piece aims to highlight the idea that small things are essential for life. The show aims to take us – through the body and movement – to a world where everything is possible, where the little things take on great importance. Plankton, also makes us question our relationship as humans with the tiny creatures that live underwater.
The Big Bouncers collective, formed in 2012 by the creators Cecilia Colacrai, Anna Rubirola and Mireia de Querol, work along three lines: scenic creation, the creation of performances for unconventional spaces and pedagogy. So far, they have released several pieces, the last one a new production co-produced by Mercat de les Flors: Si estiguéssims soles a l’Univers, seria una gran pèrdua d’espai (If we were alone in the Universe, it would be a great waste of space) (2019). Plàncton is directed by Anna Rubirola, who has created many works with the collective, as well as individually, having worked with many choreographers.
Project Col·lectiu Big Bouncers / Direction and creation Anna Rubirola / Creation and interpretation Ursa Sekirnik, Mireia de Querol, Elena Lalucat-Ariadna Grau / Assistance direction Elena Lalucat / Assistance in dramaturgy Carlota Grau / Original music Oriol Roca / Light design Bernat Tresserra, Jou Serra / Scenography Maria Alejandre, Estel Cristià / Costumes Ursa Sekirnik / Technical coordination Ivan Cascón / Hat making Marina Pujadas / Scientific advice Pablo Sánchez / Photo and video Tristán Pérez-Martín / Production Rita Stivala / Distribution Imaginart – Jaume Nieto
Co-production Mercat de les Flors / With the support Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, La Visiva, Roca Umbert Fàbrica de les Arts, Teatre Auditori de Granollers / Thanks to Vera Puig Rubirola, for her ideas and advice, which have helped make this show what it is
Season: 2022-2023
January 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14 & 15
12pm & 5pm
Sala PB
12 €
Running time: 45'
Big Bouncer’s website
Dossier Plàncton